Wednesday, April 9, 2008

News on Clarissa

Clarissa's foster mom with a little update:
Hello, I just wanted to give an update on Clarissa, or as she is
affectionately know as around here, Clair-bear. She is doing well,
she is getting settled into her new foster home nicely. She is such a
sweet girl. So affectionate. Always trying to kiss our faces! I can
tell already in these couple of weeks that she is getting more
comfortable here.
Clarissa and Emy get along, but I think Clarissa
prefers Emy not to be in her face all the time because she will go sit
by herself in a corner. She is much more willing to come jump up on
the couch with us if Emy is outside playing! Clarissa went to my
mom's house with us the other day to meet Maggie, the English springer
Spaniel, and Stormy, the Weimeraner. She did really well over there.
She tolerated the chaos that Emy and Maggie cause when they are
together, (puppies!) pretty well. She is not afraid to let the big
dogs know when they're too close. She has even tried playing with Emy
a few times now.

Clarissa's next adventure is going to be meeting
cats this weekend to see how she responds. She is very good with Tony,
our 8 year old. I think that's a good aged child for her because he's
old enough to know how to not terrorize her. She may be a little more
timid around smaller children I think. So all is well here! -Amanda